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Having a GPS model for you project can greatly increase production and reduce costs. The models that we produce contain the information necessary to accurately establish location and grade when and where you need it. These models reduce the amount of survey needed on a project and help to catch grade busts during layout.
A sitework GPS model is great for business / commercial / residential lots or tracks, mass sheet grading, landscape areas, basins and drainage channels. We provide you with a line work file for easy layout along with a surface tin for accurate grades.
Roadway GPS models include stationing and offset for each alignment anywhere on the road with nodes indicating labeled break points for edge of pavement, top of slope, toe of slope, and any other break points. These models make it easy to find grade anywhere on the roadway from daylight to daylight as well as important locations like back of curb, back of sidewalk, flow lines, etc.
We provide a point and line file that will include: center points of manholes, all corners of structures, points at invert elevation of pipes where they intersect structures, and any grade breaks, pipe diameter changes, and horizontal angle points. With this the rover unit in the field can layout the centerline of pipe at invert elevation and adjust the trench width and depths from that. We can also provide more extensive models that include the subgrade of the trench, over excavation limits, and daylights, with the capability of giving a grade reading anywhere within the model.
You can specify what surface or surfaces you would like the GPS model to be built to. We can produce the model to overex, subgrade, top of aggregate base, final grades or any surface you may want.
We can work with any data that you may have. CAD files can reduce the cost of the GPS model and we always make an attempt to obtain them from the owner to provide a lower cost to you. If CAD files cannot be obtained we will still provide the GPS model at very competitive pricing.
The GPS models we produce can be used in almost all systems. Having as much system information available when we transfer the GPS model file to you helps to streamline the process and eliminate compatibility issues.