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A quantity takeoff is more than just a verification of the owner's quantities. Some projects are put out to bid as lump sum leaving the risk to the contractor to price the job based on the plans, with no guarantee of what quantities they will need to construct the job. Other projects that are bid with provided quantities, the quantities are often incorrect. When your company orders a takeoff through us, you will receive accurate quantities on an easy to read form so your company can bid with confidence and accuracy. Having these quantities during your estimating process often gives you an advantage over the competition. When you know what quantities will over run or under run you can balance your pricing accordingly to ensure you get your maximum earnings during construction while keeping your bid low. In order to price your project accurately you need to know where the quantities are on the job. The takeoffs we provide breakdown the project into those areas and phasing. You will know if your cuts are close to your fills or if you will have to haul long, or if the excavations and embankments are in wide open areas or if they are on existing slopes requiring sliver cuts or fills.
Whether you are strictly an earthwork contractor or a general that self performs everything on a project or subs it out, we can provide a takeoff to suit your needs and budget. We will customize your takeoff to fit you. We can provide just the earthwork, asphalt, and aggregate quantities for the project, or the excavation and backfill quantities for structures like walls and bridges. We can also provide the lineal footage, excavation, and backfill quantities for storm drain pipe, boxes, channels, and structures, as well as for underground utilities like sewer and water. If you need the concrete flatwork quantities for the project we can provide square footages, lengths, and concrete volumes for sidewalks, curbs, driveways, etc. Anything you need we can provide quantities the way you want it.
We can work with any data that you may have. CAD files can reduce the cost of the takeoff and we always make an attempt to obtain them from the owner to provide a lower cost to you. If CAD files cannot be obtained we will still provide the takeoff at very competitive pricing. We can email, deliver, or mail your takeoff to you depending on your location and how you would like to receive it.
We also provide a wide range of optional data that helps narrow down quantity locations as well as provide visual representation of the project.
Cut fill maps are a plan view of the project that shows the different depths of cuts and fills on a project with color shading and depth indicators on set grid spacing.
A Google overlay puts the plan lines on a satellite picture of the project in its existing state to help visualize where the improvements are going on the project as well as potential conflict areas that may not be shown on the drawings.
X-sections give a visual of the subgrade surface compared to the existing ground at given stations to show the width of cuts and fills along an alignment.
When provided with a geotech report for a project we can use the boring logs to quantify subsurface materials like caliche.
Station breakdowns give the earthwork volumes between stations along an alignment for a road project.
Quantity grids provide a similar product as the cut fill map but instead of depth indicators it is labeled with earthwork volumes within each grid.
3d pictures and fly thru videos give a visual representation of the projects elevations and slopes.